Safeguarding Online Conference
Reviewing the Effectiveness of Safeguarding
In an ever-changing role with new expectations and responsibilities how often do you reflect on your effectiveness? How often do you challenge the way you think and adapt your practice accordingly? How well do you quality assure the way you are working to be able to demonstrate the impact you are having on children’s lives?

This Conference will give you:
- An opportunity to reflect on practice.
- Strategies to help your school be even more successful in keeping children safe.
- An effective self assessment tool to measure and quality assure yourself in role.
- The ability to demonstrate you are ‘OFSTED ready’ with practical examples of your school’s successes in keeping children safe.
Guest Speakers

Jo Taylor
Effective Recording

Pam Gartland and Helen Hogan
PG: Safeguarding First
Effective Retention

Graham Lowe
Effective Filtering & Monitoring

Jan Horwath
Sheffield University
Children’s Lived Experiences